Soudan: une autre vision du monde
Il y a quelques temps, j'ai rencontré quelqu'un qui travaille pour l'ONU au Soudan. Il m'a raconté cette histoire.
J'utilise ses mots car l'histoire serait differente traduite:
"The story is so sad, one of the drivers got twins last night, one of them died.
He came to work as usual today,going around giving everybody some candy or chocolate,a Sudanese tradition.
I congratulated him and tried to avoid his "stuff", but of course to be polite i took a small piece.
No no,you must take two,we got two babies but one was returned back!!!"
La vie a une valeur differente là bas.
Une autre histoire, toujours venue du Soudan.
" in XXX we had a local staff coming to work,saying:
- I got a baby just before I went to work.
- So?boy/girl?
- I don't know,heard "it cry"........
ok, it was No. seven I think, but anyway?"
Quoi dire?
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